5 Ways To Optimize Conversions On Your Business Website

Today, having a website for your business isn’t enough. To truly see a return on your investment, it’s important to optimize your site for conversions. Here are five tips to help you do just that:

1. ‘Above The Fold’ Content Optimization
“Above the fold” is a term that describes the portion of a website that is visible without scrolling. This content needs to catch the reader’s attention for them to stay on your website. This will directly impact your engagement and bounce rate. If your “above the fold” content is lackluster, users will be less interested in seeing what other information exists on your website.

Optimize your “above the fold” content with a compelling image, then add a solid call to action (CTA) that encompasses the focal point of the page. The goal is to capture attention and engage the user to proceed through to the rest of the website.

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2. Test And Measure (A/B Testing)
Conversion rate optimization is an ongoing process. Continually test different elements of your website, such as headlines, CTA placement and layout to see what works best. Changes between landing pages can be relatively small but have a significant impact on conversion rates. Specifically, CTAs on landing pages can significantly impact conversion rates. SEO agency New York

Easy tweaks can make a huge difference for a business, and A/B tests are the best at measuring which small changes are the most impactful. Use tools such as Google Analytics to track your website’s performance and make data-driven decisions on how to improve your conversions.

3. Lead Flows
Lead flows are pathways to help convert website visitors into leads. One key lead flow to tap into is pop-up forms that are designed to attract attention and offer value. These offer a CTA, landing page and thank-you page all in one. Pop-ups are impactful for website optimization because they can lead to conversions without a user having to leave the current page. https://sites.google.com/view/best-chicago-seo-company/

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There are many other uses for lead flows too, including linking other pages on your website, signing up for different services a business provides, and connecting users to other relevant information.

Similarly to landing pages, A/B testing your lead flows is important for optimization. The placement, style and wording of your lead flow assets will impact their success. Additionally, clear and specific CTAs will improve conversions. Experimenting with new placements, colors, CTAs and wording is the best way to discover your optimal lead flow.

4. User Experience Optimization
Improving user experience is crucial to operating an effective website. Specifically, removing friction will increase conversions. If users find your website difficult to navigate, they will most likely not convert to customers. This is why the pages of your website—especially those that lead to the most conversions—need optimization. Businesses that fail to cater to users when creating their websites fail to optimize conversions.



Optimizing user experience can take the form of increasing page load speed, using A/B testing, improving visual appeal and linking relevant pages. Page load speed is important for users because people are more likely to click off your website if it takes more than a few seconds to load. People want their information instantly and are not willing to stay around if a website fails to load quickly enough. Improving the appearance of your website encourages users to stay on the site longer. Increasing view times on a website leads to higher conversion rates. Finally, linking relevant on-site content helps users stay on your site. It also improves the user experience because it lowers the workload of finding relevant information for the user.

5. Collect And Retarget
Collect pixel data and emails to retarget and remarket to people across the web, email and SMS. Gathering email addresses from people that have previously visited a website is a great way to convert these users into customers. This is because people that visit a website are more likely to have an interest in your product even if they did not initially make a purchase. Remarketing to these people through email campaigns and SMS promotions can keep you top of mind and increase the likelihood of them becoming customers.

Optimization through improving content, user experience and retargeting allows a business to reap the full benefits of a website. All of these steps work together to deliver a business a maximum number of conversions. Ignoring website optimization means ignoring potential customers and revenue. These tips can help you optimize your website for conversions and turn more visitors into paying customers. Remember that conversion rate optimization is an ongoing process, and it’s important to continually test, measure and make data-driven decisions to improve your website’s performance.